Saturday, September 7, 2013

Post Surgery Experience

9/5 /13- 9/7/13
A balloon catheter was placed in my uterus during the surgery and will be removed in two weeks. I was prescribed Demerol, Toradol and Ibuprofen for pain. Toradol and Ibuprofen aren't supposed to be taken together, so when I switch to Ibuprofen I have to wean myself off of Toradol. I also am taking Doxycycline (antibiotic) twice a day and Premarin (estrogen) daily for 1month.

9/5/13 Surgery Day:
I had a little bit of pressure in my vag/uterine area that I can only describe as a pressure similar to when you're a kid riding a bicycle and you hit your vag on the top bar of the bike. It's like that type of throbbing/pulsating once the initial shock wears off. I don't know if this pressure was pain or just the area really kind of throbbing or if it was the cervical block wearing off. It only lasted the day of the surgery and wasn't really painful at all. Just noticeable. I did however continue to take Demerol every 4-6hours.

Peeing was strange at first. Everything was fine until the end of the pee. Then it was like some excess air/fluid being released. I describe this as a mini-queef-like experience. This happened every time I peed.

I didn't sleep very well the night of my surgery. All of the pain meds caused me to feel nauseous (despite taking nausea meds), so I woke up and dry heaved a bit. I did have some cramping, nothing too bad. Honestly, I think the cramping might have been enhanced by my bowels. I'm a normal two-a-dayer and the anesthesia + narcs can cause some slowing of the bowels and constipation, so I know I was probably a little "backed up" for me.

9/6/13 1Day After Surgery:
After dry heaving (above) I went back to sleep for a bit. I woke up again around 4:30AM from cramps (which I was laying on my stomach when I woke up) so I got up and took some more Demerol. I went back to sleep and woke up around 9AM. I felt fine most of the morning, but started to notice a little pressure so I took some Toradol around 12:30PM. I fell asleep and woke back up in the middle of the afternoon (I think I was just tired from not sleeping well during the night). I felt great the rest of the day. Peeing I still had that same mini-queef experience I describe above. At one point I described it to DH as feeling like having "trapped air" in there, to which I ended up laughing hysterically at because I do, in fact, have trapped air up there :D !!! I ended up taking Demerol before bedtime and slept all through the night. Still no BM today, so I'm still attributing some of the cramping to my bowels.

9/7/13 2Days After Surgery:
I woke up at 8AM and finally a bm! I was nervous at first about this, so I tried my best not to "push". I felt so great today that I didn't even take any pain meds. Around noon I did take some more Toradol as I was feeling a little bit of pressure and I wanted to see if the Toradol was what made me sleepy yesterday or not. No afternoon nap so I'm saying Toradol does not cause drowsiness. Peeing is better today, no more of that mini-queef feeling. I will say that most of the day I have been able to tell that something is off down there. It's like a dull feeling...kind of like the dull pressure a uti causes you to feel. Kind of like you have to pee, but you don't really have to pee.  No cramping today so far and again another bm at 3PM.

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