Tuesday, June 18, 2013

3rd Time's a Charm!

From my last post, you learned that my April cycle = success and we found out we were pregnant again!

May 9, 2013, 12dpo (days post ovulation -- I used ovulation predictor kits [opk] and did basal body temperatures [bbt] to predict ovulation and know when my most opportune fertile window would be) I took a home pregnancy test (hpt) and it was positive!

I had a cold when I found out the fantastic news, and even though I figured it was viral I saw my PCP the next day to be precautionary. My PCP agreed she thought it was viral but placed me on pregnancy-safe antibiotics anyways.  She also knows of my fertility history and wanted to be precautionary this time around as well.

Monday finally rolled around, so I called the RE's office to let them know I was pregnant. They had me come to the lab to have betas checked.

May 13, 2013 @ 16dpo my first beta result was 737.
May 15, 2013 @ 18dpo my second beta result was 1474.

May 30, 2013 by LMP(last menstrual period) I was 7weeks exactly. We found out it was a viable pregnancy, there was a baby growing measuring 6wks2days and it had an amazing heartbeat of 171! I expected the baby to be less than 7wks as I know ovulation probably occurred on day17 instead of the "normal" day 14, and you can never know when exactly implantation occurred.

After leaving the US we went to our parent's houses and let them know the awesome news. They were beyond happy for us and were actually outwardly more excited than I was.  Experiencing loss, it makes it very very very hard to let your guard down and be openly excited about being pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I was screaming excitement on the inside, but other than being open to my husband, it's difficult to express the excitement and fear to anybody else.  My mother in law actually asked my husband (when I wasn't with him) how come I didn't seem to be excited. He tried to somewhat explain, but it's not an easy thing to explain.

My next appointment was 2 weeks, on 6/14/13 -- our 5th wedding anniversary.

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