Saturday, September 7, 2013

Operative Hysteroscopy: Surgery Day!

Thursday 9/5/13: Surgery Day!
I woke up around 5:45AM, quickly showered and then took my pre-op meds. I got dressed and then woke DH up. Last time I had a procedure done we were almost late because the meds knocked me out and DH didn't wake up to his alarm! We left the house at 7AM.

I arrived at my RE's office a little before my arrival time of 7:45AM and was taken back to the recovery room. First they had me give a urine sample so a hpt could be done. Considering I was at cd7 this is ludicrous, but I understand they have to do it for their own liability. I didn't think I was going to be able to pee, but finally I was able to get a little bit out. 

Next I changed into a hospital gown, socks and a hat. Then I was hooked up to some monitors. The nurse verified what meds I had taken that morning and then gave me a shot of toradol. She then started an IV and we waited for RE to arrive. The nurse walked me to the operating room and got me situated onto the table. I remember RE coming in and getting stuff set up as well as administering a cervical block. I don't remember much after this as whatever meds they pushed pretty well knocked me out. I do remember coming to a little bit and they were discussing my bladder being in the way. I remember the nurse laughing a little bit and saying "she only gave me a little sample for the hcg test." I guess from there they drained my bladder for me. My bladder apologizes for being shy earlier, sorry staff as that's one more thing you had to encounter! Next thing I remember is being woke up and I moved over to the transport bed and was wheeled back to the recovery room I originally started in.

DH said I was only in the procedure room for 45minutes tops. I think they kept me in recovery for about an hour afterwards. As I finally started to really wake up, the nurse came in and asked if I wanted anything. I asked for water. I drank a little bit of it and then continued to rest. Finally the nurse came back in and said I could get dressed and would be able to leave. She told me that I might have to pee a lot as she had administered Lasix (water retention relief med). Apparently this is to help expel excess fluids that they use during the procedure. I managed to get dressed on my own and dh & I headed home.

I called both of my parents on my way home and let them know that all had went well and I was headed home. I don't remember much from the rest of the day as I was pretty drowsy and the pain meds had me pretty sedated.

My 2wk follow-up apt is scheduled for 9/20/13.

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