Saturday, September 14, 2013

Post Surgery Experience Continued

9/8 /13- 9/13/13

Not much to really report in these days. All has been going pretty well. I finally went back to work and I've been pleasantly surprised as I really thought the balloon-catheter was going to be extremely uncomfortable. 

I have had some extreme cervical mucus (CM) and every once in a while I get the sensation of something being there. So see my note at the bottom of the page about this in more detail.

9/8/13 3Days After Surgery: I felt pretty good all day. My bm's have gone back to "my normal." We went to my parent's house for a BBQ. By the time we left I was having a little bit of cramping, so when I got home I took ibuprofen for pain relief. I still had some discomfort when I went to bed so I took Demerol.

9/9/13 4Days After Surgery: My final day off from work. I cleaned the house and got everything in order for the week. Overall feeling extremely well. I took one dose of ibuprofen in the afternoon - no pain/cramping but I figured it couldn't hurt and could help with the inflammation going on in my uterus.

9/10/13 5Days After Surgery: I went back to work at 2:30PM for a half-day. I was nervous because I'm up walking around on my feet all day long at work. Everything went smooth.

9/11/13 6Days After Surgery: This morning was my last dose of doxycycline (antibiotic), and I was glad to be done with it as doxy upsets my stomach. I worked all day today. Had some slight cramping in the late afternoon so I took ibuprofen. When I got home from work my belly was upset. I tried to go to bed but I was up off and on for 2 hours with some episodes of diarrhea. I was finally able to go to sleep and slept through the night.

9/12/13 7Days After Surgery: When I woke up my belly was still upset, some more loose-stools, some minor cramping this morning. Even with the cramps, I felt better than I did the night before. Again, working all day. My belly pain and cramping went away by mid-morning. All was well while at work. When I was driving home from work I started to get emotional/teary-eyed and overall just in a bad mood - no known reason.

9/13/13 8Days After Surgery: When I woke up today I was still emotional and very teary-eyed on my drive to work. Again at work all day and everything was good at work. Overall mood-wise I was back to myself by the end of the day. When I got home, I had cramping at bedtime. I couldn't find a comfortable position so I ended up taking some Demerol. This is the first time I've had anything stronger than ibuprofen in 4 days.

Most of the time I don't notice the balloon-catheter at all. There are some times when I notice it. It's hard to describe the feeling as it's not painful and not really uncomfortable, just there. It's kind of like feeling something is stuck at the back of the vagina (obviously right? ha) or like pressure at the urethra (pee hole), feeling like I need to pee - although I don't. It's really more of a nuisance. Typically I can do some pelvic thrusting or pelvic lifts to get this "kink" worked out. Sometimes if I go pee or even if I don't pee but wipe, the feeling dissipates.

Cervical Mucus
The first couple of days after surgery I noticed my pads and when I wiped the tp would be pretty moist/wet. I'm fairly certain that this really was the fluid they used during the surgery draining, especially since I was having the mini-queef feeling when I would pee.  However this only lasted a couple of days. After that stopped, I started to notice that my pads and tp were still moist but looked more like a creamy/lotion type of fluid that lasted for 3 days (9/7 - 9/9). I realized this was actually CM on 9/10/13 as I had EWCM (egg-white cervical mucus). My CM has been on overdrive and I attribute this to the Premarin (estrogen) that I've been taking. See my chart pic below to see my CM notes. I also have ****'s under menses starting the day of my surgery @ CD7. The ****'s represent bleeding. It has not been anything more than what I consider Light flow.

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