Sunday, November 3, 2013

Post Surgery: Final Days

When I left off in my last post I was 7days post surgery and on CD13 on 9/11/13.  The chart below is my completed chart from my surgery cycle and shows everything that went on. I'll explain it briefly after the following highlights:
  • My CM (cervical mucus) continued to be pretty amazing. Just a reminder that the ****'s noted represent light bleeding/spotting along with my CM. Anywhere you see the asterisks I needed a pad--it was that heavy. 

  • On CD22 9/22/13 the balloon catheter (aka Ballooterus) was removed & I started progesterone.

  • There are a lot of days with cramps marked on them. If the cramps aren't noted with a numerical value, it was really just a dull ache that I noticed off and on throughout the day. Only cramps with numerical values were when I needed a pain reliever (like ibuprofen).

The last 4 days before ballooterus was removed I had some intense cramping off and on, so I was extremely ready for the removal. Two days before the removal I was pretty uncomfortable and was having a weird sensation, so I started "feeling" around--mainly just touching my labia, when I felt something hard & plastic coming out of my vagina. I made DH take a peek & a picture, all he could see was a tiny little white plastic tip of some sort. I did some pelvic thrusts and started feeling a little more comfortable & could no longer feel the plastic catheter tip. The balloon catheter removal was 2 weeks after the surgery. The removal itself was really quick and there was brief pain during the removal. I had taken 800mg ibuprofen before the removal and was glad that I did. After the removal I went to work and my day was normal, no unusual cramping.

After ballooterus was removed I started progesterone(Provera) along with my estrogen(Premarin). When I was on the estrogen only I did have quite a few days of hot flashes. When I started the progesterone I felt fine at first, but as time went on I became pretty crazy--hormonal/emotional. As you can see above my mood was all over the place. I was bad enough that I knew I was crazy. I had been advised that Provera can cause fatigue & I concur with that - as I had quite a few days of feeling tired while I was on it.

My period returned 4 days after finishing the estrogen & progesterone. I called my RE's office and scheduled my follow-up hysteroscopy.

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